Song of Songs

Created by Matthew Murdoch, The Pitch 2025

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Solomon, a forty five year old terminally ill Scottish traditional folk musician is at home on his death bed. A couple of musicians arrive to the house, which is surrounded by beautiful countryside, to join others who are already there and playing. They all seem to know each other and start start to tune up and play. A melody emerges and a song develops, which fills the room with the sound of their instruments to provide musical succor to their sick comrade. Drifting in and out of consciousness, the music inspires a kaleidoscope of memory and dreams from Solomon’s past, as he prepares to finally let go of his life, enveloped by the people and the music to which he has dedicated his life.Solomon’s mind drifts away from the present day of his deathbed and the room full of his friends playing music to three distinct, dreamlike memories: Walking through a remote mountainous glen with a rifle, whilst stalking for deer. Searching an eerie desolate loch with binoculars from a small boat that is drifting through the mist. Playing with his band-mates at a Ceilidh (traditional Scottish folk dance) whilst he jealously observes a girl who is dancing in the arms of another. These four elements, or sequences enfold and gather momentum and intensity as they inter-cut to create tension as the music builds in ferocity.As the music builds, the inter-cutting intensifies until the stalking Solomon aims his rifle at his quarry. He pulls the trigger and the bullet transcends time and space to strike the Solomon who is searching the loch from the boat, causing him to tumble into the water. An underwater camera looks up at the boat as Solomon’s body falls face down into the water, silhouetted by the sun from above. His binoculars then drift down towards the camera from Solomon’s stricken body. This coincides with the moment that the dancing girl finally meets the gaze of the Solomon who is playing guitar at the Cielidh and they share a warm smile. Back on his deathbed, the music reaches its crescendo, stillness settles and Solomon draws his final breath. The girl from the Ceilidh (now a bit older) is at his bedside and his life peacefully departs.

Biblical Connection

Song of Solomon. Chapter 8 verses 6-7 (NKJV): For love is as strong as death,
Jealousy as cruel as the grave; Its flames are flames of fire,
 A most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love,
 Nor can the floods drown it.