Isaiah's Bus

Created by Varujan Smallwood, The Pitch 2013

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Isaiah is successful but he is not satisfied. He wants to do something different and extraordinary but just can’t make the change. Then he gets hit by a bus! Now, compelled by a vision, he sets up a new kind of business, putting ‘people-before-profit’. Isaiah’s amazing skill in motivating and organizing makes his bus co-operative very successful - people love the cheap and efficient service and especially the cheerful bus drivers! Lucy, his pregnant girlfriend, did not sign up for this but soon a community begins to emerge around Isaiah's vision - lives are changed. However, when other bus companies feel the pinch and even car sales begin to plummet, big business is not amused! Mr. Sena, the head of an international car manufacturer, vows to destroy Isaiah and his buses. He mounts a smear campaign and the lies spiral out of control. Isaiah’s bus cooperative crashes and burns just as Lucy, goes into labour. Will Isaiah have the courage to stick to his guns and try again, or will he go back to business as usual? On this journey of self-discovery Isaiah has to face questions about who he is and what really holds people together.

Biblical Connection

Children playing happily with deadly snakes, wolves and lambs as best of friends and weapons being melted down to make tools for peace - this is what Isaiah, of the Bible, sees. After a shock meeting with God in the Temple he is commissioned to tell people how bad things really are and how good they really could be - from the outset he knows that no-one will listen. But he does it anyway. The prophecy of Isaiah is about seeing things differently and then reshaping the world around an impossible dream, trusting in the power of God. Food for free, streams in the desert and the destruction of death - either he's totally crazy or what he sees is real. Ultimately, it's a vision of all peoples coming together as a community of peace in a new kind of world order. The challenge is living today as if this future had already arrived. It's impossible and it will never work - only crazy dreamers would ever try it! Isaiah's Bus is about someone like that.