Doubt is a mystery thriller about a man struggling to find his faith. The story centers around Eli, a young professional working from home in modern London. Eli never considered himself as the jealous type, that is until he spots what he thinks is his wife at a cafe with another man. When his wife claims that it wasn’t her, Eli begins to grow suspicious. Initially, his curiosity leads him down the natural road of jealous behavior—checking his wife’s phone, looking into her emails, etc. With each action he finds clues, but never a finite truth. Who was the woman at the cafe? Was it his wife? If so, who was the man? He can’t take his mind away from the questions. The more he digs for answers, the more questions he uncovers. “It wasn’t me! Why can’t you just believe in me?” his wife repeatedly demands during a fight. Finding his quest for truth insatiable, Eli’s actions begin to intensify—following his wife to work, stalking her colleagues, questioning waiters at the cafe. As jealousy turns to obsession, Eli finds himself isolated and on a path of self-destruction from which he might not be able to recover.
Jesus’ Parable of the Weeds (Matthew 13:24-30) tells the story of a wheat farmer (Jesus) who sows good seed in a field. One night an enemy (the devil) comes and spreads bad seed throughout the farmer’s wheat. In this particular parable, the good seed is representative of the faithful while the bad seed is the nonbeliever. Once the weeds of the bad seeds take root, the servants of the farmer ask if they should remove them. The farmer states that pulling the weeds would kill the wheat and that they must grow together to be separated by the reapers at harvest. I’m interested in using these themes as a commentary on faith through the lens of a modern-day relationship. The bad seeds represent the doubt of Eli, while the good seeds signify his faith and trust. Once the seed of doubt is planted inside of Eli, he quickly begins to lose faith in his wife. The more he nurtures that doubt, the more the weeds spread, destroying his faith. If Eli continues down this path, what do you think he will have left to harvest?