Death by Water Pistol

Created by Grant Taylor, The Pitch 2023

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Death by Water Pistol is a short action-comedy film about a young carer called Marvin. Armed with too many water pistols he's got one last chance to win the 'assassins league' before he has to become a full time carer for his disabled Mum who has Parkinson's disease.

Biblical Connection

The theme of our film is strongly based upon the idea that there's nothing wrong with seeking help. And there are multiple and many stories in scripture that encourage this. Christians must ask God for help daily and often we hear the phrase 'Trust in the Lord'. Asking for help from others isn't a weakness and being proud is a sin. There are multiple stories in the bible that reinforce this theme. Our favoured one being Mathew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" - and in the context of our story. With have our protagonist, young carer Marvin. A man with multiple responsibilities who's attempting to do way too much on his own. At some point, something will give. This theme also works hand in hand with Proverbs 20:18 "Plans succeed through good counsel; don't go to war without wise advice."