
Created by Alessio Avezzano, The Pitch 2025

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A mass butt-dial event triggers global chaos, with half the population unintentionally calling the people they were criticizing. Society splits into \"diallers\" and \"receivers.\" Grace, our main character, is a unique case—she accidentally group-dialled ten people in a single call, offending all of them simultaneously.With the government enforcing a military-led apology tour, Grace decides to run rather than face her problems. However, the longer she hides, the worse things get. When she finally emerges from hiding, she discovers the shocking truth behind the \"unveiling\" butt-dial event: decades of unchecked cellphone radiation have brought our behinds to sentient life. These sentient derrières attempted to course-correct humanity, but the plan backfired. Now, our behinds are taking control of our bodies.Grace discovers that the only way to stop the zombies steered by their own rears is for every person on earth to apologize for their wrongdoings. As the last human to atone, Grace musters the courage to save the world before it\'s too late. During her final apology, just when it seems things couldn\'t get worse, everyone\'s sentient behind detaches from their human hosts, constructing a vessel to leave Earth. The question remains: was their mission a success, or have they abandoned hope?

Biblical Connection

I’m using the story of Jonah and the Whale from the Book of Jonah as my Biblical source. In the Bible, Jonah runs away from his responsibility to warn Nineveh of its impending doom, only to be swallowed by a whale and ultimately return to fulfil his mission. This narrative of fleeing from one\'s duty and eventually confronting it for the greater good parallels Grace’s journey. In my adaptation, the “unveiling” butt-dial event serves as the catalyst for Grace’s flight. Like Jonah, she initially runs away from her responsibility to apologize and make amends. Her time in hiding mirrors Jonah’s time in the whale, a period of reflection and realization. When Grace returns, she discovers the truth behind the sentient behinds, much like Jonah realizing the importance of his prophetic mission. The overarching themes of repentance, redemption, and facing one’s mistakes are central to both stories. By updating the setting to a contemporary, humorous, yet apocalyptic scenario, I aim to retain the core message of Jonah\'s story while engaging modern audiences with a hillarious twist.