
Created by connor matheson , The Pitch 2025

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Billy is sitting at a table in a shopping mall coffee shop waiting for his friend Jannet. The camera slowly zooms to an extreme close up of Billy\'s face. Jannet arrives and Billy is visibly shocked at her appearance. He mockingly says “What is that absolute abomination on your head?” We cut to extreme close up of Jannets face, the audience cannot see what is on her head. Jannet defends what she is wearing but Billy keeps pushing how hideous it looks. Jannets facial expression begins to distort, her words mumble and blood slowly trickles down her face. Billy sheepishly says “I didn’t mean to offend, I just thought it was a bit of an abomination” As he is saying this the camera slowly pans up Jannets face to reveal a grotesque mosquito-slug--like parasite on top of her head with it’s proboscis burrowed into her brain. Title - Abomination.Mall music with a glitchy twist plays, we see a montage of the shopping mall and shoppers with abominations on their heads. Filmed as one continuous tracking shot, Billy and Jannet are traversing the escalator. Billy is telling Jannet he needs some new clothes for a night out. Their conversation continues while browsing the mall, Billy is incredibly self centered while Jannet is absent and sedated. All around them strange grotesque things are happening in the peripheries of the frame, Billy is comedically oblivious to the horror around him. They reach a shop called “Liberum Arbitrium Apparel”. Jannet talks Billy into going in “to just have a look” Inside, the shopkeeper is horribly mutated and pulsating with eggs laid inside him from the abomination. It is revealed visually and through conversation that the shop sells abominations as a fashion accessory. Through flattery and pandering to Billys ego, Jannet and the shopkeeper convince Billy to “try one on”. The shopkeeper secretes a new abomination from a growth on his neck, Billy hesitantly places it on his head. The abominations proboscis burrows deep into his brain. It cuts to an intense montage of dramatic visions of Billy\'s life.Billy and Jannet are both sitting in the same coffee shop as the beginning of the film. They are discussing how much they like each others abomination and how stylish and cool it is. Billy reflects on how foolish he was not to listen to Jannet and get one sooner. Billys personality has markedly changed, he’s no longer self centered and insulting but genuinely interested in Jannet. The camera starts slowly zooming out to reveal the coffee shop and then the wider mall is now completely colonoised by an horrific nest of abominations.

Biblical Connection

This story was inspired by research into words that have a biblical meaning and a colloquial meaning. I found the word “Abomination”, which biblically means “that which is exceptionally loathsome” and colloquially is used to describe a hideous item of clothing. This provoked a concept of a juxtaposition between the two meanings. Upon further research I came across the following passage: “The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord” - Proverbs 15:26, This gave me the idea of satirical sci fi film where god is enacting divine judgment and retribution on the population in the form of a plague of parasitic brain insects (named the abomination) to purge the thoughts of the wicked. The satirical comedy comes from how the abomination is treated as a fashion accessory throughout the film by the main character, who is too self obsessed, to notice the danger around him. The Idea for a mall setting and self obsessed main character came from the route meaning of the word abomination and the context of the text. The text is interpreted as in relation to false idol worship. Consumerism and brands are the false idols of the 21st century.