Two Nations

Created by Timi Oladeji, The Pitch 2020

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When his rival younger brother returns home after five years of riotous living and presumed dead Checha Farmer, a young city professional, must come to terms with the resentment and contempt he has built up over the years toward his brother.

Biblical Connection

I am adapting the story from the well-known parable of the prodigal son as found in the gospel of Luke 15:11-32. In the brief story as told by Jesus to the Pharisees and the scribes a younger sibling asks his father for his cut of the inheritance and travels into a far country, effectively souring the relationship between him and his father. This leaves the older sibling filled with animus when his younger brother returns home and is welcomed with open arms. I am adapting the story by repositioning the context to a modern day black British middleclass household and focusing on the conflict as experienced through the eyes of the older of the two siblings.