Crest of a Fall

Created by Giles Boulton, The Pitch 2014

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16 year old Scarlet has come to the realisation that the life built around her, up until this point, is to result in death. She takes on the identity of a runaway in search of a place of promise - the promise she formally perceived to be a reality among her kin. She stumbles across an abandoned house in a forest full of variety. She soon discovers she is not the only ‘refugee’ seeking a foreign land. Her journey is philosophical and explores integrity, purpose, unfulfilled dreams and life. Her thoughts are ultimately projected questions to any who care to think of their significance.

Biblical Connection

The Biblical roots of this concept are found in Deuteronomy 30. The parallels are not a transfer of Moses into a 16 year old, and much of the Biblical passage is dedicated to the words and acts of the Lord to the children of Israel. This piece will be a faithful offering of the thoughts and principles to be considered from this passage: such as the command to choose life, how close the truth is, a returning to what you were called into, the importance of the place in which you dwell and the nature of an awareness of a supernatural being dwelling within a place that is ultimately a land still to be inhabited. All those who are willing to question the strange desire within humanity to prolong this current life should be able to relate to a passage like this being dramatically revealed.