Till Death Do Us Part

Winner of The Pitch 2023, Till Death Do Us Part follows Abby, a long-suffering housewife, dreaming of her un-PC husband dying a gruesome death. Director Oliver Kember brought Goodyear’s script to life during the shoot in 2023, with Goodyear starring as Abby, supported by Reel Issues Films producer Luke Walton and Jackie Sheppard of Footprint Films. 

What is Till Death Do Us Part about?

Long-suffering housewife Abby longs to be free from emotionally abusive husband. She’s frequently apologising for his rudeness, but divorce simply isn’t an option. One day he crosses the line, offending the local Village Watch leader David King, causing protection to be withdrawn from their manor house, and Abby springs into action.  

What is it based on?

The story is inspired by Abigail, married to Nabal, as told in 1 Samuel 25:36-38. 

Where can I watch it?

Till Death Do Us Part is in post-production as of summer 2024 

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