The Light

Simon Cookson took the story of Paul and transposed it to 1950s America for his 2012 Pitch-winner The Light. An ambitious period drama, it was selected for the prestigious Aesthetica Short Film Festival, among others, and Simon is developing a number of other shorts and feature projects.

Below you can watch a trailer for The Light, as well as see Simon’s original entry.

What is The Light about?

1950s America and a police lieutenant hunting down alleged communists suddenly rejects his former oppressive ways, but realises his biggest struggle will be to convince everyone else he's truly a changed man.

What is it based on?

The story of the dramatic conversion of the apostle Paul from being a hater of Christians to being the most influential follower of Jesus, as told in Acts chapter 9.

Where can I watch it?

The Light is available on Vimeo and embedded below.

Here is the original video pitch for The Light:

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