
Winner of The Pitch 2019, Hollow follows a grieving mother as she considers taking revenge against the man who killed her child. Award-winning Bristol-based filmmaker Paul Holbrook directed the film in 2022 with Reel Issues Films producer Luke Walton and Jackie Sheppard of Footprint Films.

Below you can hear more about Paul's experiences with The Pitch and see his original entry.

What is Hollow about?

Set on an impoverished council estate, Hollow tells the story of two lost souls: Laura Ryan, a struggling single mother consumed by grief at having lost her son to a drunk driver, and Father Hill, a racially abused local vicar, a man-on-the-edge with dwindling faith.

What is it based on?

Romans chapter 12, verse 19: 'Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.'

Where can I watch it?

Hollow is available to watch online here:

Writer/director Paul Holbrook reflects on winning The Pitch

Here is the original video pitch for Hollow:

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